
Chapter 12 Test on Monday

Friday Factoring

Throwback Thursday

Quiz day

Exploring Similar Solids

Solve Quadratics by Factoring Tune Up

Wrap up before quiz tomorrow

Factoring Fun

Factoring quadratics to solve.


FRIday WORKday

Continuing to solve by completing the square

Crank up the volume with pyramids & cones

Next phase of completing the square

You complete me!

Volume of prisms and cylinders

Volume of Prism and Cylinder

Continuing with completing the square

Recap of 12.1 - 12.3

Completing the square with a values not equal to 1

Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones

Completing the square to find the vertex

Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders

Advisory schedule and Perfect Squares & Completing the Square

PSAT Baby!!!!

Exploring solids

Recap of multiplying polynomials and vertex form.